Master Freediver PADI

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If you are an advanced freediver who wants to learn to refine your lifestyle and training in order to approach the highest levels of freediving, then the PADI Master Freediver course is for you.
Through specific sessions, you will take your static freediving, your dynamic apnea, free and constant weight diving to a higher level.
To enroll in the PADI Master Freediver course you must be at least 18 years old and be a PADI Advanced Freediver (or hold an equivalent certification from another educational organization).
Additionally, you must have completed an Emergency First Response (CPR and First Aid) course within the previous 24 months. You will be able to complete this training during the Rescue Diver course. At the same time, your instructor may offer you the Emergency Oxygen Provider specialty course.
Academic Course
The PADI Master Freediver course consists of three main phases:
- Theoretical development of topics such as nutrition, relaxation and advanced breathing techniques. You will study on your own with the PADI Freediver Touch ™ (or your instructor may conduct classroom sessions). Additionally, you will do research as an assignment for the Master Freediver.
- A confined water session, to improve static and dynamic apnea attempts, including a dynamic apnea dive without fins. The goal is to perform static apnea for 3 minutes and 30 seconds and a dynamic of 70 meters / 230 feet.
- In open water, sessions to practice compensation with the Frenzel method and perform warm-up / control dives for free and constant weight apnea. The goal is to carry out an apnea dive in constant weight at 25 meters / 90 feet.
Equipment you will use
You must have a freediving mask, snorkel, fins, wetsuit and weight. Your instructor will be able to let you use the monofin if you demonstrate that you are already familiar with the monofin.
In addition, you will need a surface signaling device and a freediving computer (or a depth gauge and a timekeeping device).
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by Underwater Academy Team
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